The game’s plot is about a boy named Oswald, who discovers an old, abandoned pizzeria in his small town. During his exploration, he finds a mysterious tunnel that takes him to the past. These are the same times when the building was still full of life, but had already begun to conceal dark secrets.
Main Objective
When you visit the past, you will notice that strange and frightening things are happening on the territory. Animatronics, which seem like ordinary entertainment for children, are in fact dangerous and sinister creatures that are chasing you. Players will have to explore locations, avoiding monsters in Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit.
You will have to:
- Be Attentive
- Collect Clues
- Solve Problems
- Make Decisions Quickly
- Avoid Enemies
Don’t Lose Your Mind
Over time, the child begins to realize that the transitions between timelines are becoming more and more uncontrollable. He may suddenly find himself in the wrong place and moment. This makes the journey in the game even more creepy and tense. Will he be able to understand that his own future and the lives of others depend on whether he reveals secrets or not? Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit is full of traps. Can you get past them all?