Thats not my Neighbor Spot the Difference

Thats not my Neighbor Spot the Difference

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Thats not my Neighbor Spot the Difference

Do you know that there are many monsters in the world? They try to copy people’s appearance to gain trust. In the original version of the game, players checked everyone’s documents to find the doppelganger.

But today they will have a slightly different task and it seems more interesting. Users will have to go through many levels, where famous enemies take part. There will be two pictures on the field in front of you. They look the same, but you just have to look closely!

Study the photos carefully to find what makes them different from each other! This could be an item of clothing, small objects or lighting. Can you cope with such a mission in Thats not my Neighbor Spot the Difference? Be attentive to complete the allotted amount of time!